Iberian Crossroads
College is a whirlwind of education, lifelong friendships, parties, experiences both heartwarming and heartbreaking, decisions and choices both frivolous and with far-reaching consequence; like or not, college is the period that informs and shapes the adult you will become. In a lot of ways, that dynamic and intensity was really distilled into my final undergraduate study abroad trip to Spain. As I began Year Four, I kind of knew I would need one more year of college beyond that. It would allow me the chance to breathe a bit more when it came to my majors in communications and Spanish, expand my French and German aspirations into full-fledged minors, complete literally every single Italian class Christopher Newport offered at that time, and retake some classes that I had struggled at previously to improve my cumulative GPA. There were external factors involved with that decision too: The recession was entering its worst year nationally and friends that had graduated or were preparing...